
19-Jun-08Finally got down to doing some research on which insurance to buy. Asked Asik for advice and he favored term plans if the main purpose was cover. Looked at the LIC website, term insurance was indeed the cheapest option. But the only problem is that the longest plan will cover me for 35 years –

Stop lazing around!

19-Jun-08: Preliminary research on how to setup a company in India. Doesn’t look very cumbersome. One site listed all the steps needed. Made a list of all these and am posting online links in front of each step – from the website it looked like everything was possible online. Will post the links tomorrow. Also,

Riot – Shashi Taroor

The book raises more questions than it answers. The style of writing is quite distinct from what usual books are like. Instead of narrating a story the author pulls out entries from the diaries and scrapbooks of the main characters. The story is centered around an American girl (Priscilla Hart) who comes to India as