2024 : My Reading Log

Bought –Becoming Trader Joe – in progressMaxims For Thinking Analytically: The Wisdom Of Legendary Harvard Professor Richard Zeckhauser – in progressLet My People Go Surfing – completedWhen Breath Becomes Air [Hardcover] Kalanithi, Paul – completedBaking A Dream: The Theobroma Story – yet to startThe Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense For The Thoughtful Investor – in

Reading Aspirations for 2023

For the longest time, i’ve mostly focused on reading sci-fi. This year, i want to try and change – i want to read older books still relevant for today, regardless of the genre. I asked for suggestions on twitter, linkedin and here are the books i was recommended. It’s a long list, and hopefully a

Brexit to an outsider

Sure, EU will be a weaker world power without GB. Maybe, GB will probably end up opening its borders without having a say in EU policy. Maybe there will be a lot of financial turmoil too in the next couple of years. And it is too bad that the people who will have to live

The mother of all list challenges

I was wondering if someone would nominate me for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – nobody did. I was wondering when someone would nominate me for the Booklist challenge – and someone did. But being the startupper that I am – I could not resist starting a challenge of my own. So here it is