The mother of all list challenges

I was wondering if someone would nominate me for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – nobody did. I was wondering when someone would nominate me for the Booklist challenge – and someone did. But being the startupper that I am – I could not resist starting a challenge of my own. So here it is

Good things about India

Everything is fixable. Most products are available in small packs. Nobody trashes a product just because it is not working. There is probably a way to fix it and fixed it will be. Almost a slap on the consumerist economy. From coffee powder to cars, most things are available in smaller sizes. Less wastage and

A free world

A few years ago, an American friend asked if it worries me that the Tatas are into everything and are so big in India. I retorted that I am more worried about Google’s pervasiveness than Tata’s. Sadly, we now have a new scarier competitor to corporations – Governments. Governments across the world, and in many