“A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.” – Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 this Sunday. Didn’t go very well. I thought I had them backed up to an external drive, but hadn’t – lost all emails to TripNaksha i.ds. And that because I chose to use the entire disk for the fresh install. Even after that I could’ve recovered the data but copied the backup from the external drive. Kicking myself still. And, internet seems slow on this OS.

I haven’t it mentioned right? I’m getting out of my partnership and am thinking what to do next. Reasons for this may best be avoided here. May take a huge financial hit because of this. Getting a job is not on the cards yet. Have been offered positions at a couple of startups I know in Hyderabad, but i’m not sure if i’ll join them. Thinking up another project with a friend. Low investment needed and will leave me time to keep working on TripNaksha as well.

Have been invited to quite a few weddings this month more than 5, all in the last 10 days of this month, may attend only a couple. Gearing up for the 10k run this Sunday. Ran in the rain for the first time today. Yet to buy a new mobile phone and a pair of shoes. Thinking i’ll decide the model, size, etc of the shoes by trying some out in stores here and then getting them from the U.S.

Comments (2)

  1. Sri


    I always do a neat install. Partition my drives and let the OS reside only on a part of it. Kinda gives me a feeling of clearing up my sins every six months :-)!

    Got to get a good pair of running shoes at this end too 🙂

    Wish you luck with the new startup 🙂

  2. Reply

    Clean install is good, but a pain if you have to install and then configure a zillion s/w :). Deciding running shoes is getting complicated – some places I read running barefoot is better than buying expensive ones!
    And thanks 🙂

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